Where Hope Is Found

This week I met a first-time Grace Care Center Friend – a single dad, living out of his car with his child. I spoke with a woman who was grieving the death of her husband and daughter. I met another who was suffering from cancer.

These precious Friends are among the 575 families who walk through the doors of the Grace Care Center each week. Most are seeking help for their most basic needs, such as food and toiletries through the Choice Food Pantry. Many are learning English and receiving financial and life-skills coaching. Some are having their vehicles serviced or repaired. All are in desperate need of hope.

Our Friends are finding hope through the love and prayers of the Grace Care Center staff and hundreds of volunteers.

Even in the midst of suffering, loss, and sorrow, we can have hope because “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us… the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 5:8, 6:23)

Because of Easter, we can experience Resurrection Hope. Hope for new and eternal life because of the forgiveness of all our sins. Hope for new purpose in our lives because of Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. Hope for a home in heaven because Christ is risen.

I’m praying that the Friends I met this week and you and yours will experience and enjoy the hope of Christ this Easter.


Help Families from Falling off the Hunger Cliff


First Care Center Visit Leads to Life Change